Why You Need a Super Hero Cape in 2022

Shift Your Identity Through Style
6 min readMar 16, 2022

Do you have a Super Hero Cape that activates your unstoppable confidence during these times?

Most of us aren’t aware of all the reasons why we felt so good wearing pj’s and lounge wear at the start of the pandemic. After conducting countless style polls and hosting interactive style workshops in the last 2 years, I came to realize that most women are experiencing an internal conflict about wearing pj’s all day during these times.

While they enjoy the comfort that wearing lounge-wear brings, they miss the joy and all the reasons they had for getting for getting dressed up. They are bone tired of feeling drab and shabby in their clothes. They mourn the loss of their old selves and their old life, including all the places where they once connected with people and all the reasons they had for getting dressed up.

They struggle with their current self expression because they lack the confidence and the courage to know how to make big changes in their wardrobes. (And don’t have the time to figure it out).

I discovered that at the root of their push/pull with fashion is a deep seated fear of being seen for who they truly are. As women, we are silenced by the many voices in our culture into dressing like minimized versions of ourselves. It’s as if we are Clark Kent (Superman’s Alter Ego).

Quiet. Mild Mannered. Unassuming. Non Threatening. Invisible.

While there is a time and a place for being incognito, this is the age of the Divine Feminine. Women are being called to step into their true power and to rise into higher levels of leadership. We are being activated to step into our Superhero Selves. And if there’s one thing that every Superhero needs to make the switch from Clark Kent to Superman…

It’s a Superhero Cape.

This is an item of clothing that activates our superhuman levels of confidence and abilities from the inside out. It’s an item of clothing that a woman chooses purposefully. Intentionally. This is because she chooses it in perfect alignment with her Super Hero’s mission and her latent, underused abilities. What unfolds for her every time she wears it takes her breath away! Let me show you how this works by sharing an example of a Super Hero cape and turning point moment in my own life.

In my previous article, I share how I lived in a religious cult for a couple of years. To be honest, I was a little embarrassed to tell anyone about it. That’s why I kept it a secret for nearly 33 years. As you can imagine, when you live in a cult, there were rules for everything.

Rules about what I could say.
Rules about who I could talk to.
Rules about where I could go.

Mostly, though, there were rules about what I could wear. Living in a religious cult is kind of like living with a narcissistic partner. (Who hasn’t done that in their lifetime??) Living in this abusive environment deeply affected me on every level and caused me to lose my identity and have a very complicated relationship with fashion. I was constantly worried that I was a bad person if I showed too much skin. (As if what you wore could make you a lesser person!) Sadly, I bought into the belief that others had the right to disrespect me based on what I wore.

In 2013, however, that’s when I flipped the switch and took back my power. My turning point moment? I was just coming to in the recovery room moments after undergoing intensive surgery. My oncologist stood over my bed and pronounced an incurable cancer diagnosis over me.

With my life hanging in the balance, I really had nothing left to loose. I had everything to gain. I had already wasted so many years worrying about what everyone else had to say. It was time for my inner Super Hero to show me how to get things done. I realized that I had some very big dreams to fulfill.

Traveling the world
Publishing a book
Speaking on stages.

I needed to dress THAT woman. In time, my Inner Super Hero guided me to buy a pair of midnight blue, sequinned pants. The price tag and the pants stretched me out of my comfort zone. Yet I wore them like my super hero cape after I began chemotherapy treatment.

Wearing my sparkly pants in 2013

Every time I wore my sparkly pants, people would stop me on the street just to tell me how amazing I look. They couldn’t tell that I was wearing a wig and lost all my eyelashes. Taking them aside, I quietly announced that I just had chemo. In amazement, they would exclaim, “Whatever you are doing, it’s totally working for you! Keep going!!” That was almost 9 years ago. I’m happy to say that I am 100% cancer free. I overcame that cancer diagnosis in less than 6 months.

Now you might be wondering, ‘Did my sparkly pants help?’ I will let you be the judge. Since that time, I have traveled to bucket list places, published my book, and share my story with audiences around the world. I’ve helped other women find their Super Hero Cape and am always amazed at their dramatic transformations.

These women have such unstoppable confidence and inner radiance they find themselves achieving things they never thought they could accomplish — attracting high level clients, high level business opportunities, speaking engagements and even attracting the love of their lives.

Little did we know that the pandemic actually gave us a golden opportunity. This is the very first time in history that women finally have the freedom to fully express themselves with their clothes. Working from the comforts of home without a boss or a co-worker breathing down our necks, no one can tell us what we can and can not wear. We are free to wear what we wish. No one is demanding that we adhere to a strict professional dress code. If we wish to show up on a Zoom call in our underwear, we can!

While there is a time and a place for being incognito, this is the age of the Divine Feminine. Women are being called to step into their true power and to rise into higher levels of leadership. We are being activated to step into our Superhero Selves. If there’s one thing that every Superhero needs to make the switch from Clark Kent to Superman…it’s a Super Hero Cape.

Wearing one of my Super Hero capes in 2020

Once this woman (or man) wraps this garment around his or her shoulders, an instant transformation takes place. In that moment when she feels called to step into her Divine purpose and mission, suddenly everyone recognizes her as the Superhero with X-ray vision who has amazing powers who can leap over tall buildings in a single leap. Or run faster than an express train.

When we are ready to take center stage, the key is dressing our Highest Potential. That’s because our energy has the ability to affect change. When we tune into our own energy and vibration, we can choose clothes that make us feel abundant, vibrant, and irresistibly magnetic. You see, it’s all about aligning our energy with our style — instead of focusing how we look to others on the outside. As women we are rising from the depths of our spirit into our greatest potential. Our outward statement of style is what gives us strength. It’s all about the expression and the voice and the non verbal communication.

The time is now for us to release our old identities and relinquish and reclaim a new level of power. It’s time to be ourselves again in our skin. We don’t need the cover up of ego based systems who have dictated to us that we must have the latest fashions and over priced designer goods. Our outward statement of style is what gives us strength. It’s all about our authentic self expression and the voice of our non verbal communication.

What is your vision for your life? Do you have a Superhero Cape that activates unstoppable confidence? Once you learn how, your style and your magnetic energy will open up doors to incredible opportunities all because of HOW you are showing up. Click here to find out if you are fully expressed with your style.

Because powerful is a feeling you wear.

P.S. The video I pinned to the top of this article is a recording of a Super Hero style workshop I hosted shortly before the pandemic. Watch the video to find out how to make power outfits you can wear anytime any place around just one item of clothing.

